Friday, November 13, 2009

The Priesthood

Today I am very grateful for the Priesthood. I had an appointment today to have a small, routine procedure where an ears, nose, and throat doctor looked down my throat to see what this strange "bump" feeling I've been having is. When I first made the appointment I had the feeling I should ask for a blessing, but kind of dismissed it. I am no stranger to hospitals and a small procedure like this was not stressful for me.

Last night the feeling of asking for a blessing came back only a bit stronger this time. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to ask for one. I called my Bishop, but he had been out of town all week and his flight didn't get home until late that night. He suggested I call his counselors. I started looking at my schedule and realized I had a busy night planned and I wouldn't be home until fairly late myself and I didn't want to have to make them come by so late. I took all of this as a sign that I probably would be just fine without a blessing...but the feeling within me persisted. I kept calling around and ended up finding a friend that could meet Bishop at my house early this morning.

They came, gave me a blessing, and left...nothing felt any different. I kept myself busy throughout the morning and then headed to the hospital for my appointment. During my appointment they found a small growth on my vocal cords and decided to remove it. The small, routine procedure turned out to be a bit more. They sprayed a bunch of lidocaine into my nose and throat. They used a variety of scopes to go in and remove the growth. Once they had it out the doctor looked at it and said that he didn't think it looked like something to worry about but he sent it for a biopsy just to be sure. Since the growth was on my vocal cords he told me not to talk for a few days in order for them to heal from the procedure.

As I left the hospital I thought about how grateful I was that I had heeded the promptings of the spirit and asked for a blessing. I know that it was through this blessing I was given the strength to handle the way my appointment turned out. I felt comforted in knowing that my Heavenly Father was with me.


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